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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Region 35: Serving Cupertino and Neighboring Cities

Player Development Initiatives in Section 2


  • The build-out lines promote playing the ball out of the back in a less pressured setting.
  • The build-out lines are located halfway between the halfway line and the top of the penalty area.
  • The build-out lines may be solid, dashed, or simply marked by cones (or flags) off the field
  • The build-out line only impacts three situations:

1. Goalkeeper controls the ball with the hands
2. Goal kicks
3. Offside

Goalkeeper controls the ball with the hands
  • Opponents must retreat behind the build-out line.
  • The goalkeeper may not punt the ball - applies to punts, dropkicks (IFK offence from location of the punt—Note: goal area exception)
  • The goalkeeper must pass, throw, or roll the ball to any point on the field.
  • Quick restart: The goalkeeper may release the ball before the opponents have completely retreated behind the build-out line. In doing so, the goalkeeper accepts the position of the opponents who may intercept the ball.
  • Once the ball is released by the goalkeeper, the opposing players may cross the build-out line.
  • The 6 second limitation on goalkeeper possession should not start until all opponents have moved behind the build-out line. Referees should be flexible with this.
Goal kick
  • Opponents must retreat behind the build-out line.
  • The ball may be kicked to any point on the field.
  • Once the ball is kicked and in play i.e. kicked and clearly moves (new since Fall 2019), the opposing players may cross the build-out line.
  • Quick restart: The goal kick may be taken before the opponents have completely retreated behind the build-out line. In doing so, the team accepts the position of the opponents and they may intercept the pass. (Note: Law 16 restrictions on opposing players and the penalty area still apply)
Violations of the build-out line
  • Let them play. Use judgment and don’t interfere for trifling violations.
  • Referees and coaches should work with the players to encourage the use of the build-out line. Referees should:
    • Provide instruction as needed and allow limited “do-overs”
    • Hold up play until opponents retreat, if needed
  • Focus is on education, not strict enforcement (most violation will be trifling)
  • Build-out line violation on goalkeeper possession: indirect free kick on BOL where violation occurred
  • Build-out line violation on a goal kick: retake the goal kick
  • Repeated violations of the build-out line should not be viewed as misconduct
  • Region staff should address coaches who encourage/teach their players to disregard the build-out line
The build-out line in the opponents’ half of the field replaces the halfway line in determining offside position.

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AYSO Region 35

Cupertino, California 95015

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